
Amanda's Books

What Have I Done?

Date Published: 1 February 2013
Book Number: 2
ISBN 10: 978-1781852149 | ISBN 13: 978-1781852149 | Kindle UK ASIN: B00APDVENO

The Story:

Could you destroy your family to save your children?

Kathyrn Brooker seems the very picture of a fulfilled wife and mother. Anyone who peered through the downstairs window at the four figures sitting around her kitchen table would see a happy family without a care in the world. They would envy Kathyrn her perfect life.

But they would be wrong. Kathryn is trapped in a nightmare. And she is about to do something to change it. Something only a truly desperate woman would do...

A Note From Amanda:

Kathryn Brooker appears to have the perfect life, a handsome husband who is the head teacher of a prestigious public school, high achieving, likeable, funny kids and a large impressive house in the school grounds. But behind closed doors, Kathryn, endures an existence where every aspect of her life is controlled by her husband and where she has to pay severe consequences when she breaks any of his exacting rules.

Standalone or Series?


Reader Reviews:

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 April 2017

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I love Amanda's very emotional expressions in her writing. As if she knows the pain, the suffering and also the healing of every woman she writes about.

She has mentioned that her books are written for women, especially opening the gates for self love and confidence. Her works so far, have been about battered women. Whether the protagonist drown herself in alcoholism, as in the previous book I read "Another Love" which is equally mesmerizing or an abused wife - this one - both these books brought so much understanding and joy. Reading the lines, I could feel them, as if they are my neighbors. Amanda has the power to make her characters come alive.

A poignant story no doubt, but the message is always about strength and love, about starting over again. About forgiveness, especially forgiving yourself. And it is ok.

I have a few more Amanda's books in my collection. This is only the second book I read from this fantastic author. I'm going to enjoy more of her works. For this book, another 5-star.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 March 2018
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Highly recommend this book, it opens your eyes to just much of a show people put on everyday so you don’t get to see or know the real them. This is another powerful book with powerful meanings. you go through a true mixture of emotions with his book. Shock, confusion, anger, sadness, frustration, to hope, joy, pride, & victory. You go on the journey with Kate and when you finish the book you feel both pleased for her but sad to not know what happens now. I love this book. Do yourself a favour and read it. Xxx


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